The Catchall Exception to the Sex Offender Registry

Sometimes when people are charged with sex crimes, they are able to resolve the case with a non-sex offense and an agreement with the prosecution that the accused does not have to register. It is important for any practitioner to be aware that even taking a non-sex plea can require a registry if the complainant was […]
Tethers During a Criminal Case

During the pendency of a criminal case, and while many defendants are on bond, they may be asked to wear a GPS tether to monitor their whereabouts. The most important thing is to establish the conditions that pretrial services expects from the person wearing the tether. It is equally as important that the person on […]
Title IX Cases Involving Sexual Assault or Sexual Harassment
Title IX cases (also referred to as Title Nine cases in this blog) are the school disciplinary proceedings that take place against a student accused of sexual assault or sexual harassment. These types of complaints are very common, particularly among college-age students. Federal Title IX law provides federal funding to universities for having programs to […]
Why We Do Not Take Every Case
At Smith Lehman, we believe that every person who is accused has an absolute constitutional right to a lawyer. We also believe that it is critical the accused has the right lawyer for them, and quite frankly, sometimes we are not it. We simply cannot take all of the cases that call our office. If we did, […]
The Pros and Cons of Holding a Preliminary Exam
When a person is charged with a felony in Michigan, one of the first hearings that takes place is the preliminary exam when the case is in district court. At the preliminary exam, the prosecution has to show probable cause to support that (1) a crime was committed, and (2) that the accused person committed […]
The Criminal Justice System in the Time of Coronavirus
With all the business shutdowns, millions working from home, millions suddenly unemployed, professional sports suspended or cancelled, and delays to so many ‘business as usual’ ‘taken for granted’ day-to-day little things – like getting a cup of coffee – have changed, we need to discuss the criminal justice system. Well, the impact of the steps […]
‘Outcry’ and Smith Blythe – An Upcoming Series
On April 3rd Showtime is launching a five-part documentary, Outcry, about the 2013 arrest and conviction of a 17-year-old Texas high school football star, Gregory Kelley, on charges of sexually assaulting a young boy. Every week, right after each episode, we will publish our thoughts, insights, and much more as we follow this case every step of the way . […]
What To Do If You’ve Been Falsely Accused of Rape in Michigan
False rape accusations are devastating. The stigma and trauma that come with such accusations is something no one should have to deal with. And if convicted in Michigan, the accused person not only faces jail time and fines, but also will be required to register as a sex offender on Michigan’s public Sex offender Registry. Sadly, […]
What to Do When a Minor Accuses You of Sexual Assault in Michigan
The stigma of being accused of sexual assault by a minor not only effects you and your loved ones, but it can tarnish your reputation and ruin your career, as well. Unfortunately, many people dealing with these types of accusations have been wrongfully accused, and some are even wrongfully convicted. The sad truth is that these kinds […]
What to Do When a Minor Accuses You of Child Abuse in Michigan?
Child abuse allegations need to be taken seriously — especially when those allegations are coming from the child themselves. Of course, some child abuse accusations could be a result of an accident or a misunderstanding. In other situations, it may be a part of a larger scheme to discredit you. No matter the circumstance, our team at […]