Sexting Prevention for Parents in Michigan
As parents, our main concern is always our children and their protection. However, with the technology available to our children, especially teens and young teens, it’s not always easy to look out for them, or monitor their activities. According to a recent article, children spend on average of 7 hours and 38 minutes a day […]
Man Pleads Guilty to CSC 1 and CSC 3 in Wayne County
On August 8, 2014, a man, from Salem Township, pled guilty to one count of first degree criminal sexual conduct and one count of third degree criminal sexual conduct in Wayne County as part of a plea agreement. The plea agreement was a result of a mistrial, and it dropped further counts of CSC. Robert […]
False Confessions Happen in Sex Cases
Just this month, a judge granted a new trial for a man convicted of murder and rape in Kalkaska, Michigan. Jamie Peterson, convicted of the first-degree murder and rape of an elderly Kalkaska resident, Geraldine Montgomery, in 1998, was facing a life sentence without parole. The crazy thing is Mr. Peterson confessed to all of […]
Second-Degree Child Abuse in Michigan
In Michigan, second-degree child abuse is a felony punishable by up to ten (10) years in prison, and for a second or subsequent offense, is punishable by up to 20 years in prison. Accusations of child abuse are serious allegations that can arise is several circumstances. To be guilty of second-degree child abuse in Michigan, the prosecutor […]
Social Media and Jury Contact
Recently in Oakland County, a defendant was tried on drug charges. During deliberations, the girlfriend of the defendant sent a friend request via Facebook to one of the jurors. The juror immediately informed the judge and other jury members of the request. It is not known at this time whether the girlfriend or defendant sent […]
Case Law Update – Michigan Sex Offender Registry
On February 19, 2015, the Michigan Court of Appeals issued a published opinion in the matter of People v Evans Costner (Docket No. 316806). In Costner, the Court of Appeals held that an individual who is even 1 day past the 4-year or 48 month eligibility limit described under MCL 28.728c(14)(a)(ii) (the “Romeo and Juliet” provision of the Michigan Sex […]
False Memories and Suggestibility: How They Can Affect You
Recently, NBC News anchor Brian Williams came under criticism for claiming to be on board a helicopter that was shot down. The problem is that Mr. Williams was not on a helicopter that was shot down. Mr. Williams has blamed his version of events on “the fog of memory,” but many people do not believe […]
The Importance of Speaking to an Attorney Before Criminal Charges are Brought
In January 2015, University of Michigan fraternities and sororities took a trip north of Ann Arbor to two popular ski resorts in northern Michigan. During their stay at Treetops Resort and Boyne Mountain, the students reeked havoc through the rooms and halls and caused, as the price stands now, over $130,000 in damage to both […]
Obtaining Counseling or Medical Records in Criminal Sexual Conduct Cases
In Michigan, the law provides that the defense may have access to counseling or medical records in certain situations. Ordinarily, these are privileged and confidential records that are not discoverable. Michigan Court rule 6.201(C)(2) states as follows: If a defendant demonstrates a good-faith belief, grounded in articulable fact, that there is a reasonable probability that […]
“Sorry” For a False Accusation
In April 2014, former child actor, Michael Egan, spoke of sexual abuse allegations against a group of four Hollywood executives that occurred in Hawaii when he was a teenager in the 1990s. Egan hired two attorneys to represent him in a civil suit against the Hollywood executives under a Hawaiian law that allowed alleged victims […]