Exonerations in 2014

In the past year, stories of criminal exonerations were scattered throughout the news media and became a hot topic. This is because of the shockingly high number of exonerations that took place in the United States. In 2014 alone, there were 125 exonerations based on DNA and non-DNA, as compared to 2013 in which there […]

Brian Williams — a Victim of a False Memory

Within the past few weeks, NBC news anchor Brian Williams has been in the spotlight of media attention, not because of his anchoring skills, but because of a story he told about himself. In 2003, Williams was in Iraq and riding in a helicopter when the helicopter in front of the one in which he […]

Washtenaw County Sentences Man to 15 Years for Child Abuse

This month, a 20-year-old Ypsilanti man was sentenced to life in prison for killing his four-month-old daughter in October of 2013. The murder of the young child stemmed from child abuse. In addition to the murder charge, he was also charged with first-degree child abuse. In Michigan, first-degree child abuse entails knowingly or intentionally causing […]

Macomb County Man to be Sentenced for CSC

In July of 2013, new light was shed on Michigan Rule of Evidence 804 by an opinion released by the Michigan Supreme Court. InPeople v. Stanley Duncan and Vita Duncan, a case dealing with allegations of the sexual assault of two children at an unlicensed daycare, the Court ruled that a child witness might be […]

Monroe County Woman Makes False Allegation

An 18 year-old woman from Monroe County is now facing a possible charge of filing a false police report after she falsely claimed she was abducted in Bedford Township on August 7, 2014. Hayley Turner, was first reported to have been abducted while heading home from a Monroe County video store on August 7, 2014. […]

Michigan First Degree Child Abuse

In Michigan, child abuse is classified into four different degrees, in accordance with MCL 750.136b. First degree child abuse is the most serious of the four different degrees. Michigan law states that, “a person is guilty of child abuse in the first-degree if the person knowingly or intentionally causes serious physical or serious mental harm […]

Termination of Parental Rights Cases by CPS in Michigan

Facing allegations of child abuse from Child Protective Services, commonly referred to as CPS, is always a difficult time for families. When the accused believes the allegations are false or exaggerated, this is especially true and it is very difficult for many people to maintain a good attitude about having to answer to CPS. In […]

Shaken Baby Syndrome

Many allegations of serious child abuse can include a diagnosis of shaken baby syndrome (SBS), or abusive head trauma (AHT). SBS is often diagnosed on the basis of three key symptoms known as the “triad”: retinal hemorrhages, brain bleeding (hematomas), and brain swelling. Many times, the presence of these three symptoms (or even just one […]

Hiring “Trial Attorneys” for Criminal Sexual Conduct Cases

Smith Blythe, PC is skilled in the practice area of criminal sexual conduct law, including trial. In the experience of defending these types of crimes, knowledge of the trial process, and how trials are conducted, is also gained. In each case of criminal sexual conduct the facts are unique and require the upmost attention from […]

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