Residency Requirements for Registered Sex Offenders
Sex offender registries in every state impose residency restrictions prohibiting registered sex offenders from living in certain area. These typically include by schools, parks, bus stops and daycares. A federal Court in Colorado recently overturned a city’s residency restriction because it did not allow registered sex offenders to reintegrate into society, contrary to state law. […]
Reliability Versus Credibility
Shannon Smith is a criminal sexual conduct lawyer who represents clients accused of sex crimes. This series of articles is designed to help you understand the many complex issues that arise in criminal sexual conduct cases. It is critical to hire a sex lawyer who understands these concepts to achieve the best outcome in your […]
Mandated Reporters and Sex Crimes
Throughout the past few days, the sex crimes scandal that has taken over Penn State has been hard to miss. Tonight, news reports indicate that Joe Paterno, the former Penn State football coach, has contacted a high profile criminal defense attorney. He has been widely criticized for having knowledge of allegations that Jerry Sandusky, the […]
Michigan Sex Crimes
Smith Blythe, PC represents clients accused of Michigan sex crimes. This includes charges of sexual misconduct, criminal sexual conduct, statutory rape, molestation and sexual abuse. Shannon Smith works with Gail Benson who is “of counsel” to the firm. Gail Benson has over 35 years of experience and has focused much of her career defending Michigan sex crimes. Michigan […]
Influence Causes an Innocent Man to be Convicted
The Innocence Project has done it again. On October 21, 2011 Henry James was released from prison after his rape conviction was vacated. DNA testing proved James was innocent after he spent 29 years and 11 months incarcerated for a crime he did not commit. The most scary part of this case, in my opinion, […]
Important Trial Material Missed by Other Lawyers
Shannon Smith and Gail Benson represent clients accused of sex crimes. This does not just mean that we handle sex cases. We focus on sex crimes because they are difficult cases that involve complicated areas of law and psychology. Our firm keeps current on the latest research and science about child psychology and development, how […]