The Difference Between 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Degree Criminal Sexual Conduct

Frequently Asked Question Q. What is the difference between first degree criminal sexual conduct, second degree criminal sexual conduct, third degree criminal sexual conduct and fourth degree criminal sexual conduct? A. This post is intended to simplify the difference between each charge. If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to call. While this may seem […]

DNA Evidence is Not Necessary to Convict

Many times, clients are perplexed by how little evidence the police rely on in criminal sexual conduct cases. How much evidence is enough to convict someone of a sex crime? Is DNA evidence required? Unfortunately, in Michigan, if a person or child is making allegations, their words alone will be enough. Because of television shows and stories we […]

Talking to the Police Versus Remaining Silent

The police have called to discuss allegations of criminal sexual conduct. If the suspect has done nothing wrong, is it okay to go talk to the police? Will it help to talk to the police to get the investigation dropped? Some law firms believe it is NEVER advisable for any suspect to talk to the […]

DNA Evidence is Not Necessary to Convict

Many times, clients are perplexed by how little evidence the police rely on in criminal sexual conduct cases. How much evidence is enough to convict someone of a sex crime? Is DNA evidence required? Unfortunately, in Michigan, if a person or child is making allegations, their words alone will be enough. Because of television shows and stories we […]

Pre-trial DNA Testing — An Obvious “Must” for Criminal Sexual Conduct Cases

The Innocence Project has a wonderful blog that posts stories about people who have been exonerated through DNA evidence. Many of the stories involve people who were convicted of criminal sexual conduct and have spent years in prison as a result. The story of Terrill Swift is particularly sad, however, as the DNA testing performed at the time […]

Federal Criminal Defense — Bond

When a person is arrested and charged with a federal crime, it is important to hire the best federal criminal defense lawyer you can find.  Hiring the best federal lawyer can make the difference between being stuck in jail during the pendency of the case, or being allowed bond. When a person is arrested, judicial officers (a judge or magistrate) […]

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